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Good Practice Examples: AQAPs


The below examples of adopted Air Quality Action Plans (AQAPs) show a range of approaches taken by local authorities in the development of AQAPs for their Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs), which may vary in size and be impacted on by a range of emission sources.

The appraisal team has accepted all of the proposed measures as appropriate and proportional to the extent of the problem. Their inclusion here as examples of Best Practice are made on the basis of the overall approach to the AQAP taken by the authority, or the endorsement of specific elements of the Plan, which may prove useful to other authorities embarking on the AQAP process. Comments are provided against individual AQAPs to guide local authorities on where the appraisal team regard the Plan as good practice.

Schedule 11 of Environment Act 2021 (EA21) came into force in May 2022 and amended Part IV of the Environment Act 1995. EA21 sets out strengthened requirements for the preparation of AQAPs, further details of which and supporting guidance are available here. Therefore, users should note that some of the historical example documents provided below, which were prepared prior to the updated supporting guidance for AQAPs and the updated AQAP template – both published in September 2024 – may not be aligned with these current strengthened requirements.

Please note that some of the example documents provided may not have been made fully accessible. Please contact the relevant local authority if you require an accessible copy.


York City Council: Useful summary of local issues, inclusive of graphics. Good, detailed source apportionment and required reduction calculations. Detailed quantification of relevant measures. Detailed summary of Steering Group actions. Detailed Cost-Benefit analysis.

York City Council AQAP

Released: July 2024 (PDF, 2.19 MB, 182 pages)


Dover District Council: A good example inclusive of detailed discussion on quantification of measures provided.

Dover District Council AQAP

Released: April 2024 (PDF, 1.41 MB, 78 pages)


East Hertfordshire District Council: A good example of source apportionment and detailed quantification of measures for multiple AQMAs within a single plan. Thorough cost-benefit analysis included.

East Hertfordshire District Council AQAP

Released: February 2024 (DOCX, 10.5 MB, 110 pages)


South Oxfordshire District Council: A good example of an AQAP which considers multiple AQMAs, one of which is due for revocation, one which is borderline and one which is not due for revocation. Also includes good discussion of Air Quality and the relationship with communities. Overall, the report is detailed, highlights local issues and also discusses well measures implementation.

South Oxfordshire District Council AQAP

Released: February 2024 (PDF, 3.90 MB, 92 pages)


Cheltenham Borough Council: A good example of detailed discussion on quantification of measures provided.

Cheltenham Borough Council AQAP

Released: January 2024 (PDF, 1.97 MB, 121 pages)


North Lincolnshire Council: A good example of an AQAP prepared for PM10 exceedances. Particularly detailed example of PM source apportionment approach.

North Lincolnshire Council AQAP

Released: November 2023 (PDF, 1.68 MB, 78 pages)


Blackpool Borough Council: A good example of discussion regarding priorities and public health context. There is a detailed source apportionment study included.

Blackpool Borough Council AQAP

Released: October 2023 (PDF, 1.82 MB, 58 pages)


Southend Borough Council: A good example of an action plan for a single AQMA where the LA has multiple AQMAs. Detailed source apportionment section provided. Good summary of consultation.

Southend Borough Council AQAP

Released: July 2023 (PDF, 1.08 MB, 46 pages)


Swale Borough Council: A good example of a thorough Air Quality Action Plan consolidating previous Air Quality Action Plans for 6 Air Quality Management Areas into one Air Quality Action Plan. Benefits from JAQU Local Plan work.

Swale Borough Council AQAP

Released: July 2023 (PDF, 3.42 MB, 86 pages)


Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council: Good level of detail. Identified the AQMA potentially to be revoked. Strong linkage with transport policy and reporting.

Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council AQAP

Released: April 2022 (DOC, 48.6 KB, 44 pages)


Elmbridge Borough Council: A good example of an Air Quality Action Plan with comments from draft taken forward.

Elmbridge Borough Council AQAP

Released: December 2021 (DOC, 7.46 MB, 64 pages)


Rushcliffe Borough Council: Good level of detail, incorporated comments from the consultation process, which are referenced throughout.

Rushcliffe Borough Council AQAP

Released: December 2021 (PDF, 2.57 MB, 84 pages)


Oxford City Council: Good Air Quality Action Plan which sets a local NO2 target of 30μg/m3. Template not used but a strong example. Taken on board consultation and other comments from draft.

Oxford City Council AQAP

Released: January 2021 (PDF, 10.20 MB, 56 pages)


Maldon District Council: A good example of an Air Quality Action Plan supported by modelling and strong comment on consultation. Non-charge Class D Clean Air Zone as a main measure.

Maldon District Council AQAP

Released: June 2020 (PDF, 1.33 MB, 59 pages)

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