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Local Air Quality Management Helpdesk

This Helpdesk has been set up on behalf of Defra and the Devolved Administrations to offer assistance to Local Authorities in managing air pollution in their area. The Helpdesk provides:

  • Answers to Local Authorities’ questions on air quality monitoring, modelling and emissions inventories.
  • Information and guidance to assist Local Authorities in carrying out the Local Air Quality Review and Assessment process required under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 as amended by the Environment Act 2021.
  • Information and guidance to assist Local Authorities in preparing and implementing Air Quality Action Plans for improvement of local air quality.

Contact details for the Local Air Quality Management Helpdesk are as follows:

Telephone: 0800 032 7953


Register for Updates by completing the following subscription form which is on a different website.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

The LAQM Helpdesk is operated on behalf of Defra and the Devolved Administrations by Bureau Veritas, in conjunction with contract partners AECOM and the National Physical Laboratory, and replaces the three previously separate helpdesks which were in operation for LAQM.