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The Department for Transport (DfT) sets regulations for freight transport. The DfT also manages initiatives such as freight grants to encourage the transport of freight by rail or water rather than by road; a practice that aims to reduce pollutant emissions, amongst others.

In air quality action plans, where Heavy Goods Vehicle emissions are high, the development of Freight Quality Partnerships (FQPs) is a key measure for consideration. By means of such partnerships, industry and local government can work together to develop more efficient, safer and cleaner means of local goods distribution.

The Freight Best Practice programme, funded by DfT offers free advice for the freight industry covering topics such as saving fuel, developing skills, equipment and systems, operational efficiency and performance management – visit Freight Best Practice: your route to operational efficiency. The DfT has also published a report exploring the barriers preventing small and medium freight operators from adopting carbon emission reduction practices.

Eco-driving programmes are known to reduce emissions and save fuel. The SAFED (Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving) programme aims to help businesses and organisations to enhance their driving techniques.


A guide on how to set up and run Freight Quality Partnerships

Released: February 2003 (PDF, 573 KB, 42 pages)

Actions to Reduce Emissions and Improve Efficiency

Released: July 2008 (PDF, 460 KB, 8 pages)

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