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Keeping you Up-to-Date with Changes to the LAQM Pages

The LAQM Helpdesk is operated on behalf of Defra and the Devolved Administrations by Bureau Veritas, in conjunction with contract partners AECOM and the National Physical Laboratory, and replaces the three previously separate helpdesks which were in operation for LAQM.

2025 Updates

2024 Updates

2023 Updates

2022 Updates

2021 Updates

2025 Updates

6 March 2025

LAQM Annual Reporting Templates

The 2025 LAQM Report Templates are now available. Links to the LAQM Reporting Templates, including information regarding specific reporting requirements for 2025, can be found on the relevant region pages:

The annual reporting templates have been released early this year to allow local authorities more time to complete the relevant report. Air quality monitoring data should not be analysed until the National Bias Adjustment Factor is released (expected March/April 2025), in line with best practice guidance.

This submission should be completed once all monitoring data for 2024 has been processed and prior to submission of the report.

Regional groups which include several local authorities can submit combined reports, however, you must contact the LAQM Helpdesk prior to submission to notify the Portal Admin team of this requirement.

Merged local authorities must submit one single report covering all local authorities that have been impacted by the merge.

The deadline for the UK regional reports are as follows:

  • London – 30th May 2025
  • England (excluding London) – 30th June 2025
  • Scotland – 30th June 2025
  • Northern Ireland – 30th June 2025
  • Wales – 30th September 2025

Diffusion Tube Data Processing Tool

A new version of Diffusion Tube Data Processing Tool has been published to assist local authorities in processing their NO2 diffusion tube monitoring data.

Updates within v5.0 of the tool include the ability to select 2024 as the monitoring year, use of up to 7 co-location sites for calculation of a local bias adjustment factor and a diffusion tube co-ordinate check which indicates whether diffusion tubes are located within the local authority boundary.

To assist with processing data through the latest version of the Diffusion Tube Data Processing Tool (DTDPT), a video is available on the Air Quality Hub which may be useful for authorities using the tool for the first time.

5 March 2025

Emissions Factors Toolkit (EFT v13.0)
Version 13.0 of the Emissions Factors Toolkit (EFT v13.0) is now available. The changes between v12.1 and v13.0 include updated COPERT factors and updated Base Fleet splits up to 2050.

For details of all the changes implemented in v13.0 and information on how to use the tool, please refer to the Emissions Factors Toolkit page.

6 February 2025

England (exc. London) Annual Reporting Template

The 2025 LAQM Report Template for England (exc. London) is now available.

The Annual Status Report template has been released early this year to allow local authorities more time to complete the report. Air quality monitoring data should not be analysed until the National Bias Adjustment Factor is released (expected March/April 2025), in line with TG22.

Defra is committed to increasing the visibility of local air quality information for the public on UK-AIR. To meet this aim, in 2025 local authorities in England (excluding London) are required to submit the following on the LAQM portal:

This submission should be completed once all monitoring data for 2024 has been processed and prior to submission of the Annual Status Report.

Regional groups which include several local authorities can submit combined reports, however, you must contact the LAQM Helpdesk prior to submission to notify the Portal Admin team of this requirement.

Merged local authorities must submit one single report covering all local authorities that have been impacted by the merge.

The deadline for the England (excluding London) is 30th June 2025.

Automatic Data Processing Tool

This Automatic Data Processing Tool has been developed to assist local authorities in processing their NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 automatic monitoring data.

The tool provides an output table which can be directly uploaded into the LAQM Portal via the new Automatic Monitoring Data Entry System (ADES), which is part of the annual submission requirements for English local authorities (including London) and Wales for 2025.

Please note that this tool cannot be used to process SO2 data. However, where applicable, users should input SO2 data manually into the ‘SO2 Tables’ tab within the tool to facilitate a complete upload of automatic monitoring data to the LAQM Portal.

NOTE: The ADES is due to be released on the LAQM Portal in March 2025.

New FAQ Published

FAQ 146 – Top Three Air Quality Actions

Please refer to this FAQ for guidance on providing top three air quality actions for local authorities.

2024 Updates

13 November 2024

2021 Reference Year Background Maps

2021 reference year background maps for years 2021 – 2040 for NOx, NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 are now available.

Updated versions of the following tools are also available for use with the 2021 reference year background maps:

For details of all the changes implemented in the 2021 reference year and information on how to use the tools, please refer to the updated Background Maps User Guide.

2025 Diffusion Tube Calendar

The 2025 Diffusion Tube Monitoring Calendar, providing recommended exposure dates, is now available.

27 September 2024

National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Spreadsheet

The National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors Spreadsheet June 2024 Update is now available.

This provides the third round of National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors for 2023 diffusion tube monitoring data. Local authorities can continue to return co-location studies for diffusion tubes for inclusion (pending data quality checks) in the next update which is due in March 2025.

The summary of NO2 Diffusion Tube precision information has also been updated.

25 September 2024

Air Quality Grant 24/25 Defra Update

Unfortunately, due to the timing of the general election, it has not been possible to align timelines to be able to award the funding under Defra’s Air Quality Grant this Financial Year. As such, the grant will not be opening this year. Future air quality grant schemes will be subject to the Government Spending Review process.

9 September 2024

LAQM.TG(22) Supplementary Guidance for England (exc. London)
Determining the impact of air quality improvement measures

LAQM.TG(22) Supplementary Guidance for England (exc. London) “Determining the impact of air quality improvement measures” is now available. This supplementary guidance aims to assist local authorities in England (exc. London) fulfilling the strengthened requirements for Air Quality Action Plans (AQAPs) or drawing up a local Air Quality Strategy. It provides a structured methodology for determining the future impacts of air quality improvement measures and for prioritising measures.

The strengthened requirements for AQAPs are provided for by Schedule 11 of the Environment Act 2021 (the Act). The Act strengthened the LAQM framework by requiring:

  • AQAPs prepared in response to an exceedance or likely exceedance of an air quality objective must be prepared for the purpose of securing that air quality objectives are achieved.
  • AQAPs must set out the measures that will be taken to improve local air quality and specify a date by when each measure will be carried out.
  • AQAPs must, as far as possible, demonstrate how adopted measures will secure required local air quality improvements within a set timeframe and ensure that they are maintained thereafter.

AQAP Template for England (exc. London)

The AQAP template for England exc. London has been updated to be aligned with the new requirements set out in the Act, LAQM.PG(22) and LAQM.TG(22). The new additions to the template are highlighted below. If you have already started producing an AQAP using the previous template, please check the list below and carry the changes across where possible. When the draft AQAP is submitted to Defra at consultation stage, the appraisal report will highlight any areas that need updating for the final AQAP and provide further guidance as necessary.

  • Executive Summary and Section 1 Introduction. Include details of relevant AQMAs, the published date of AQAP, its period of validity, and the estimated date of achieving compliance within AQMAs.
  • Section 2 Summary of Current Air Quality. Include details of relevant AQMAs:
    • Addition of Table 2.1 Relevant Declared AQMAs.
    • Addition of Section 2.2 Public Exposure.
  • Section 5 AQAP Measures. Include:
    • Section 5.1 Timescales of the AQAP Measures: Include this section to outline the timeframes for implementing AQAP measures.
    • Section 5.2 Air Quality Partners. Provide information on the Air Quality Partners and their engagement in air quality management.
    • Section 5.3 Measures to maintain safe air quality. Include this section to discuss future measures aimed at sustaining the objectives.
  • Section 6 Quantification of Measures: This is a new section, mandated by LAQM.PG(22), focusing on quantifying the effectiveness of the measures. See supporting guidance and good practice examples.

In this review, Defra has been able to address some of the feedback received from local authorities through recent our survey on LAQM templates which closed in August, but the wider review is ongoing. Further consideration will be given to how we can improve these documents and processes.

AQAP Tables Excel Template

To assist local authorities in the completion of Table 2.1 “Relevant Declared Air Quality Management Areas” and Table 5.1 “Air Quality Action Plan Measures” required within the updated AQAP template, a new Excel Template is available. Please fill in the tables in the Excel template first and then copy and paste the data rows to the bottom of the relevant table as instructed within the AQAP Word template. This will help to reduce any errors in populating the table and also facilitate easier updating of the tables with new information in future LAQM reports.

AQAP Good Practice Examples

New AQAP good practice examples are available now.

New FAQ Published

FAQ 145 – Report Accessibility Instructions

Please refer to this FAQ for accessibility instructions while completing the annual reporting and AQAP templates.

20 August 2024

New FAQ Published

FAQ 144 – Limitations of monitoring using a single diffusion tube

9 August 2024

Emissions Factors Toolkit (EFT v12.1)
Version 12.1 of the Emissions Factors Toolkit (EFT v12.1) is now available. The changes between v12.0.1 and v12.1 include a number of bug fixes and user interface updates.
For details of all the changes implemented in v12.1 and information on how to use the tool, please refer to the Emissions Factors Toolkit page.

31 July 2024

Diffusion Tube QA QC Framework

The latest summaries of participating laboratories’ performance in the AIR-PT scheme for NO2 diffusion tubes have been added and are now available on the QA QC Framework page.

3 July 2024

National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Spreadsheet

The National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors Spreadsheet June 2024 Update is now available.

This provides the second round of National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors for 2023 diffusion tube monitoring data. We would like to thank all of the local authorities who submitted co-location study results. Local authorities can continue to return co-location studies for diffusion tubes for inclusion (pending data quality checks) in the next update which is due in September 2024.

The summary of NO2 Diffusion Tube precision information has also been updated.

19 April 2024

New FAQ Published

FAQ 143 – How do I assess road traffic emissions of ammonia?

5 April 2024

LAQM Annual Reporting Templates

The 2024 LAQM Report Templates are now available. Links to the LAQM Annual Reporting Templates are as follows:


Please note, new for 2024 is the requirement for authorities within Scotland, Wales and London to submit diffusion tube data through the LAQM portal Diffusion Tube Data Entry System (DTDES). This is in addition to other English authorities, for which the requirement remains. To confirm, this is not currently a requirement for authorities in Northern Ireland. This submission should be completed once all monitoring data for 2023 has been processed and prior to submission of the Annual Status Report.

Regional groups which include several local authorities can submit combined reports, however, you must contact the LAQM Helpdesk prior to submission to notify the Portal Admin team of this requirement.

Merged local authorities must submit one single report covering all local authorities that have been impacted by the merge.

The deadlines for the UK regional reports are as follows:

  • England (excluding London) – 30th June 2022
  • London – 30th May 2024
  • Scotland – 30th June 2024
  • Northern Ireland – 30th June 2024
  • Wales – 30th September 2024

Diffusion Tube Data Processing Tool

A new version of Diffusion Tube Data Processing Tool has been published to assist local authorities in processing their NO2 diffusion tube monitoring data.

Updates within v4.0 of the tool include the ability to select 2023 as the monitoring year and updates to output table tabs to align with the relevant regional reporting templates. It provides an output table which can be directly uploaded into the LAQM Portal via the Diffusion Tube Data Entry System (DTDES), which is part of the annual submission requirements for local authorities in England (including London), Scotland and Wales.

To assist with processing data through the latest version of the Diffusion Tube Data Processing Tool (DTDPT), a video is available on the Air Quality Hub which may be useful for authorities using the tool for the first time. There is also an FAQ document on the hub to help with the tools.

National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Spreadsheet

The National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors Spreadsheet March 2024 Update is now available.

This provides the first round of National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors for 2023 diffusion tube monitoring data. We would like to thank all of the local authorities who submitted co-location study results. Local authorities can continue to return co-location studies for diffusion tubes for inclusion (pending data quality checks) in the next update which is due in June 2024.

The summary of NO2 Diffusion Tube precision information has also been updated.

Estimating PM2.5 from PM10 Measurements

The 2023 factors for estimating PM2.5 from PM10 measurements are now available for Roadside and Background sites.

2023 Updates

8 December 2023

Emissions Factor Toolkit

An updated version of the Emissions Factors Toolkit (EFT v12.0.1) is now available. Version 12.0.1 is identical to Version 12.0 except for the following refinement:

  • Change related to NOx and CO2 emissions from hybrid vehicles at speeds greater than 50 km/h

For details of all the changes implemented in v12.0.1 and information on how to use the tool, please refer to the updated EFT User Guide.

24 November 2023

Emissions Factor Toolkit

An updated version of the Emissions Factors Toolkit (EFT v12.0) is now available. For details of all the changes implemented in v12.0 and information on how to use the tool, please refer to the updated EFT User Guide.

Briefly, the changes between v11.0 and 12.0 are as follows:

  • EFT 12.0 allows users to output emission up to 2050 for all areas: England (not London), London, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
    • Detailed sources of fleet composition projection and notes are available in the EFT User Guide.
  • Use of the COPERT v5.6 NOx and PM speed-based emissions factors.
  • Update to the methodology for calculating CO2 exhaust emissions.
  • Update to the emissions factors for PM non-exhaust emissions sources.
  • Emissions for Taxis (black cabs) can now be calculated in Areas outside of London.
  • Update to the Traffic Format Primary Inputs section.
  • A new Advanced Option ‘Bespoke Euro Fleet’ has been added.
  • The Advanced Options ‘Output % Contributions from Euro Classes’ and ‘NOx/PM10/PM2.5 Annual Emissions Euro Split’ have been removed.
  • A new Advanced Option ‘Bespoke Base Fleet’ has been added.
  • The ‘Export Outputs’ option has been updated.
  • Other improvements to the front-end Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the ‘Input Data’ sheet.
  • Improvements to the architecture of the both the excel and VBA sides of the tool.

For all the updates please see EFT User Guide.

17 November 2023

2024 Diffusion Tube Calendar

The 2024 Diffusion Tube Monitoring Calendar, providing recommended exposure dates, is now available.

Diffusion Tube QA QC Framework

The latest summaries of participating laboratories’ performance in the AIR-PT scheme for NO2 diffusion tubes have been added and are now available on the QA QC Framework page.

7 November 2023

National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Spreadsheet

The National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors Spreadsheet September 2023 Update is now available.

This provides the third round of National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors for 2022 diffusion tube monitoring data. We would like to thank all the local authorities who submitted co-location study results. Local authorities can continue to return co-location studies for diffusion tubes for inclusion (pending data quality checks) in the next update which is due in March 2024.

The summary of NO2 Diffusion Tube precision information has also been updated.

7 August 2023

New FAQ Published

FAQ 142 – Three or more years of compliance with air quality objectives. Which years count towards the full compliance needed for revocation of an AQMA?

4 August 2023

Air Quality Grant 23/24 Scheme Launched

Local authorities in England can now apply for the Air Quality Grant Scheme 2023 to 2024. The grant will be competitive and will award at least £6 million to English local authorities.

Local Authorities should make applications via Atamis. Applications must be received by midday 29 September 2023.

The fund will be split between 2 lots:

Lot 1 will award funding to projects that improve local air quality and should be linked to Local Air Quality Action Plans (although consideration will also be given to unrelated innovative projects that align to national strategies/priorities). English Local Authorities are eligible to apply with the exception of:

  • Local Authorities that are in the process of developing a local NO2 Plan following the receipt of a Ministerial Direction under the 2017 Plan for tackling roadside NO2 concentrations.
  • Local Authorities that have completed a local NO2 Plan and have been directed to carry out further measures as a result of that local Plan.

Lot 2 is open to all English Local Authorities and will award funding to:

  • Projects that improve public awareness in local communities about the risks of air pollution
  • Projects that deal with Particulate Matter

Contact us

Local Authorities who have a query about grant applications should send these via the messaging tool in Atamis.

If you have a general query about air quality, contact the Defra Helpline: 


27 July 2023

UPDATE: Air Quality Grant 23/24 Scheme launch date

Defra’s Air Quality Grant scheme will now launch in August. The grant will be competitive and will award at least £6 million to English Local Authorities.
This years fund will be split between 2 lots:

Lot 1 will award funding to projects that improve local air quality and should be linked to Local Air Quality Action Plans (although consideration will also be given to unrelated innovative projects that align to national strategies/priorities). English LAs are eligible to apply with the exception of:

  • LAs that are in the process of developing a local NO2 Plan following the receipt of a Ministerial Direction under the 2017 Plan for tackling roadside NO2 concentrations.
  • LAs that have completed a local NO2 Plan and have been directed to carry out further measures as a result of that local Plan.

Lot 2 is open to all English LAs and will award funding to:

  • Projects that improve public awareness in local communities about the risks of air pollution.
  • Projects that deal with Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

The majority of the finance available is capital so please bear this in mind whilst considering the type of project you may wish to apply for. Further details will be published in the Invitation to Apply (ITA) document.

The launch date and further details will follow shortly.

The Tender pack and ITA will be available when the scheme is launched.

5 July 2023

National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Spreadsheet

The National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors Spreadsheet June 2023 Update is now available.

This provides the second round of National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors for 2022 diffusion tube monitoring data. We would like to thank all the local authorities who submitted co-location study results. Local authorities can continue to return co-location studies for diffusion tubes for inclusion (pending data quality checks) in the next update which is due in September 2023.

The summary of NO2 Diffusion Tube precision information has also been updated.

27 June 2023

Air Quality Grant 23/24 Scheme

Defra’s Air Quality Grant scheme will launch in July. The grant will be competitive and will award at least £6 million to English Local Authorities.

This years fund will be split between 2 lots:

Lot 1 will award funding to projects that improve local air quality and should be linked to Local Air Quality Action Plans (although consideration will also be given to unrelated innovative projects that align to national strategies/priorities).  English LAs are eligible to apply with the exception of:

  • LAs that are in the process of developing a local NO2 Plan following the receipt of a Ministerial Direction under the 2017 Plan for tackling roadside NO2 concentrations.
  • LAs that have completed a local NO2 Plan and have been directed to carry out further measures as a result of that local Plan.

Lot 2 is open to all English LAs and will award funding to:

  • Projects that improve public awareness in local communities about the risks of air pollution.
  • Projects that deal with Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

The majority of the finance available is capital so please bear this in mind whilst considering the type of project you may wish to apply for. Further details will be published in the Invitation to Apply (ITA) document.

The launch date and further details will follow shortly.

The Tender pack and ITA will be available when the scheme is launched.

4 May 2023

Estimating PM2.5 from PM10 Measurements


The 2022 factors for estimating PM2.5 from PM10 measurements are now available for Roadside and Background sites.

24 March 2023

LAQM Annual Reporting Templates

The 2023 LAQM Annual Report Templates are now available. Links to the LAQM Annual Reporting Template are as follows:

Regional groups which include several local authorities can submit combined reports, however, you must contact the LAQM Helpdesk prior to submission to notify the Portal Admin team of this requirement.

Merged local authorities must submit one single report covering all local authorities that have been impacted by the merge.
The deadlines for the UK regional reports are as follows:

  • England (excluding London) – 30th June 2023
  • London – 30th May 2023
  • Scotland – 30th June 2023
  • Northern Ireland – 30th June 2023
  • Wales – 30th September 2023

National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Spreadsheet

The National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors Spreadsheet March 2023 Update is now available.

This provides the first round of National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors for 2022 diffusion tube monitoring data. We would like to thank all the local authorities who submitted co-location study results. Local authorities can continue to return co-location studies for diffusion tubes for inclusion (pending data quality checks) in the next update which is due in June 2023.

The summary of NO2 Diffusion Tube precision information has also been updated.

21 March 2023

LAQM Annual Reporting Templates

The 2022 LAQM London Annual Status Report Template is now available. Link to the LAQM Annual Reporting Template is as follows:

The deadline for the London reports is 30th May 2023.

3 March 2023

LAQM Annual Reporting Templates

The 2023 LAQM England (exc. London) Annual Status Report Templates are now available. Link to the LAQM Annual Reporting Templates is as follows:

Regional groups which include several local authorities can submit combined reports, however, you must contact the LAQM Helpdesk prior to submission to notify the Portal Admin team of this requirement.

Merged local authorities must submit one single report covering all local authorities that have been impacted by the merge.

The deadline for the England (excluding London) reports is 30th June 2023.

For England (excluding London) only, there continues to be a mandatory requirement to submit all NO2 diffusion tube data via the Diffusion Tube Data Upload System (DTDES) upload facility, part of the LAQM Portal. This submission should be completed once all monitoring data for 2022 has been processed and prior to submission of the Annual Status Report.

Diffusion Tube Data Processing Tool

A new version of Diffusion Tube Data Processing Tool has been published to assist local authorities in processing their NO2 diffusion tube monitoring data.

Updates within v3.0 of the tool include the ability to select 2022 as the monitoring year, use of up to 7 co-location sites for calculation of a local bias adjustment factor and a diffusion tube co-ordinate check which indicates whether diffusion tubes are located within the local authority boundary.

9 February 2023

Air quality grant scheme 2022 to 2023

We are pleased to announce the outcome of the 2022/23 Air Quality Grant funding round.

44 projects, with a value of £10.7 million have been awarded funding including low-emission transport schemes and educational programmes for healthcare providers.

Funding has been announced to successful applicants through Bravo, if you applied to the 22/23 scheme please login to your bravo account for updates.

The successful funding list can also be seen on Air quality grant scheme website.

If you have a general query about air quality, please contact the Defra Helpline.

2022 Updates

2 November 2022

2023 Diffusion Tube Calendar

The 2023 Diffusion Tube Monitoring Calendar, providing recommended exposure dates, is now available.

29 September 2022

National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Spreadsheet

The National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors Spreadsheet September 2022 Update is now available.

This provides the final round of National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors for 2021 diffusion tube monitoring data. We would like to thank all the local authorities who submitted co-location study results. Local authorities can continue to return co-location studies for diffusion tubes for inclusion (pending data quality checks) in the next update which is due in March 2023.

The summary of NO2 Diffusion Tube precision information has also been updated.

18 August 2022

LAQM.PG(22) – England (exc. London) Only

The revised policy guidance reflects the strengthened LAQM framework provided for by Schedule 11 of the Environment Act 2021 (the Act). This follows a consultation which ran for 10 weeks until 6 June 2022. Defra’s full government response to this consultation is available here. This is the first update to the LAQM policy guidance since 2016.

Key updates within LAQM.PG(22) include:

  • Requiring local Air Quality Action Plans (AQAPs) to demonstrate how they will ensure that local Air Quality Objectives are met and maintained. AQAPs should set out a date by when each measure will be carried out. Air Quality Action Plans that do not fulfil these criteria will need to be revised.
  • The requirement for an Air Quality Management Area to be declared within 12 months of identifying an exceedance of the air quality objectives.
  • The requirement for local authorities to produce an Air Quality Action Plan within 18 months of declaring an Air Quality Management Area.
  • The introduction of a system of reminder and warning letters to increase local authority compliance with reporting.

LAQM.TG(22) – UK (exc. London) Only

The new version of the technical guidance corresponds to updates in the latest version of the LAQM Policy Guidance for England.  While the main changes within this version of the technical guidance are in relation to new English Policy Guidance, the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish Devolved Administrations have provided inputs and included updates throughout, where relevant.

Key updates within LAQM.TG(22) include:

  • Updated section relating to process for consultation, steering groups and engaging with Relevant Public Authorities (RPAs) to support the updated Policy Guidance in producing Air Quality Action Plans to the required standard.
  • In England and Wales, the Fast-track option has been removed and now authorities must declare an AQMA within 12 months of an identified exceedance or risk of exceedance. The flow chart detailing the process for declaring, amending and revoking AQMAs has been updated in light of these changes.
  • Updated study on assumptions for exceedances of short term NO2 objectives. The updated study has affirmed the existing assumption that, at concentrations above 60µg/m³ as an annual average, there is the potential for exceedances of the 1-hour objective.
  • Updated study on relationship of PM10 and PM2.5 for the purpose of estimating PM2.5 concentrations where only PM10 monitoring is available. Going forward, two separate factors will be calculated on an annual basis for background and roadside sites by analysing data from the AURN.
  • From 2023 in England, Local Authorities are required to produce an Air Quality Strategy where they have no declared AQMAs.
  • A worked example of model verification for modelling of road emissions.
  • Clarified section on diffusion tube deployment and siting.
  • Discussion around use of diffusion tubes with wind caps, including the process for bias adjustment for these different tube types.
  • Further clarity is provided for completion of source apportionment where detailed modelling has not been completed.
  • Inclusion of potential mitigation processes for non-transport sources.

Designation of National Highways as a ‘relevant public authority’ – England (exc. London) Only

The Environment Act 2021 introduces the concept of ‘Air Quality Partners’ – including neighbouring local authorities and the Environment Agency as well as designated ‘relevant public authorities’.

Following consultation which ran for 10 weeks until 6 June 2022, we are also announcing today that the Government will designate National Highways as a ‘relevant public authority’.  We aim to lay the designation SI in the Autumn.  Defra’s full government response to this consultation is available here.

This change will require National Highways to collaborate with local authorities to improve air quality – becoming an ‘air quality partner’ where locally relevant.  We also consulted on guidance on working with air quality partners and specific guidance on working with National Highways.  This will be published alongside the LAQM policy guidance once National Highways is legally designated. However, the draft that was consulted on can be accessed and viewed now here at Annex A.

Local authority air quality officers are asked to:

  • Familiarise yourselves with the new statutory guidance and legislation.
  • Bring these changes to the attention of others in your local authority (and upper tier authorities where relevant) who should be aware of the strengthened LAQM framework.
  • Consider which additional public authorities (bodies with functions of a public nature that could affect the quality of air) should be considered for designation as a “relevant public authority”.
  • Review and revise AQAPs as necessary.

Local Authority Dashboard – England (exc. London) Only

The local authority dashboard has been developed to add additional capabilities to the existing LAQM portal. The dashboard has been populated with the following information unique to each individual local authority:

  • Helpdesk Enquiries: Local authorities are able to check enquiries they have made to the Helpdesk and keep track of any ongoing queries.
  • Reporting: Any overdue annual reports or missing information is highlighted to authorities to help them keep up to date with their reporting requirements.
  • AQMAs: Headline AQMA data is available on the dashboard as a helpful summary.
  • Monitoring: The diffusion tube monitoring data for your local authority is presented as interactive maps and graphics showing site types, number of sites which are exceeding and the trends in NO2 annual mean concentrations over time to assist in development of Annual Status Reports and inform any updates to the diffusion tube programme.
  • AQAPs: A list of AQAPs associated to AQMAs is presented. This provides clear guidance to local authorities to ascertain which AQMAs are missing AQAPs, as well as the AQMAs which require an updated AQAP to be published.

11 August 2022

LAQM Portal User Guide

A user guide for local authorities accessing the LAQM Portal has been published. This provides instructions for the submission of Annual Reports, AQAPs, Diffusion Tube Data (England exc. London Only), alongside submitting AQMA changes and Detailed Assessments.

26 July 2022

Air Quality Grant 22/23 Scheme – update

Local authorities in England can now apply for the Air Quality Grant Scheme 2022 to 2023.  The grant will be competitive and will award at least £7 million to English local authorities.

Local authorities should make applications via Bravo under view current opportunities. Applications must be received by midday 23 September 2022.

The fund this year is split into 2 Lots and in particular, we’re looking for applications for:

  • Lot 1 will award funding to projects that improve local air quality and should be linked to Local Air Quality Action Plans (although consideration will also be given to unrelated innovative projects that align to national strategies/priorities).  English LAs are eligible to apply with the exception of:
    • LAs that are in the process of developing a Local NO2 Plan following the receipt of a Ministerial Direction under the 2017 Plan for tackling roadside NO2 concentrations.
    • LAs that have completed a Local NO2 Plan and have been directed to carry out further measures as a result of that Local Plan.
  • Lot 2 is open to all English LAs and will award funding to:
    • Projects that improve public awareness in local communities about the risks of air pollution
    • Projects that deal with Particulate Matter

Contact us

Local Authorities who have a query about grant applications should send these via the messaging tool in Bravo.

If you have a general query about air quality, contact the Defra Helpline

8 July 2022

Diffusion Tube QA QC Framework

The latest summaries of participating laboratories’ performance in the AIR-PT scheme for NO2 diffusion tubes have been added and are now available on the QA QC Framework page.

1 July 2022

Air Quality Grant 22/23 Scheme – update

Defra’s Air Quality Grant scheme will launch in mid-July. The grant will be competitive and will award at least £7 million to English Local Authorities.

This years fund will be split between 2 lots:

  1. Lot 1 will award funding to projects that improve local air quality and should be linked to Local Air Quality Action Plans (although consideration will also be given to unrelated innovative projects that align to national strategies/priorities).  English LAs are eligible to apply with the exception of:
    • LAs that are in the process of developing a local NO2 Plan following the receipt of a Ministerial Direction under the 2017 Plan for tackling roadside NO2 concentrations.
    • LAs that have completed a local NO2 Plan and have been directed to carry out further measures as a result of that local Plan.
  2. Lot 2 is open to all English LAs and will award funding to:
    • Projects that improve public awareness in local communities about the risks of air pollution
    • Projects that deal with Particulate Matter

The majority of the finance available is capital so please bear this in mind whilst considering the type of project you may wish to apply for. Further details will be published in the Invitation to Apply (ITA) document.

The launch date and further details will follow shortly.

The ITA will be available when the scheme is officially launched and can be accessed after registering an interest in Defra’s e-application system, Bravo, which can be found at

30 June 2022

National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Spreadsheet

The National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors Spreadsheet June 2022 Update is now available.

This provides the second round of National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors for 2021 diffusion tube monitoring data. We would like to thank all the local authorities who submitted co-location study results. Local authorities can continue to return co-location studies for diffusion tubes for inclusion (pending data quality checks) in the next update which is due in September 2022.

The summary of NO2 Diffusion Tube precision information has also been updated.

1 April 2022

National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Spreadsheet

The National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors Spreadsheet March 2022 Update is now available.

This provides the first round of National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors for 2021 diffusion tube monitoring data. We would like to thank all the local authorities who submitted co-location study results. Local authorities can continue to return co-location studies for diffusion tubes for inclusion (pending data quality checks) in the next update which is due in June 2022.

The summary of NO2 Diffusion Tube precision information has also been updated.

10 March 2022

LAQM Annual Reporting Templates

The 2022 LAQM Report Templates are now available. Links to the LAQM Annual Reporting Templates are as follows:

Regional groups which include several local authorities can submit combined reports, however, you must contact the LAQM Helpdesk prior to submission to notify the Portal Admin team of this requirement.

Merged local authorities must submit one single report covering all local authorities that have been impacted by the merge.

The deadlines for the UK regional reports are as follows:

  • England (excluding London) – 30th June 2022
  • London – 30th May 2022
  • Scotland – 30th June 2022
  • Northern Ireland – 30th June 2022
  • Wales – 30th September 2022

For England (excluding London) only, there continues to be a mandatory requirement to submit all NO2 diffusion tube data via the Diffusion Tube Data Upload System (DTDES) upload facility, part of the LAQM Portal. This submission should be completed once all monitoring data for 2021 has been processed and prior to submission of the Annual Status Report.

LAQM Air Quality Action Plan Templates

A new version of the LAQM Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) Template for all UK regions (excluding London) has been published. This has been updated to bring the template in-line with the with Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Please use this for any AQAPs which are due to be updated or published.

Diffusion Tube Data Processing Tool

A new version of Diffusion Tube Data Processing Tool has been published to assist local authorities in processing their NO2 diffusion tube monitoring data.

Updates within v2.0 of the tool include the ability to select 2021 as the monitoring year, use of up to 7 co-location sites for calculation of a local bias adjustment factor and a diffusion tube co-ordinate check which indicates whether diffusion tubes are located within the local authority boundary.

2021 Updates

19 November 2021

2022 Diffusion Tube Calendar

The 2022 Diffusion Tube Monitoring Calendar, providing recommended exposure dates, is now available.

Emissions Factor Toolkit

An updated version of the Emissions Factors Toolkit (EFT v11.0) is now available. For details of all the changes implemented in v11.0 and information on how to use the tool, please refer to the updated EFT User Guide.

Briefly, the changes between v10.1 and 11.0 are as follows:

  • EFT 11.0 allows users to define Input Years up to 2050.
    • 2031-2050 outputs are limited to England (not London) only.
    • Emissions outputs for the years 2031-2050 are provided in support of climate assessments and appraisals only. Where emissions are to be used after 2030 to inform air quality assessments, the appropriate caveats around the limitations of the analysis must be included to accompany the assessment.
  • Updated fleet splits for England (not London) to extend the fleet data for Motorway, Urban and Rural road types out to 2050.
  • Engine efficiency adjustment factors have been provided by DfT/NH and applied to exhaust CO2 emission outputs up to 2050; and
  • When CO2 pollutant output is selected, an additional output is now provided. The ‘Output CO2 Summary’ sheet provides a summary of direct CO2 emissions from tailpipe and indirect CO2e emissions associated with the charging of the batteries of electric and plug-in hybrid cars and LGVs, in tonnes/annum. N.B. link length is now a mandatory input requirement when outputting CO2 emissions.

08 October 2021

National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Spreadsheet

The National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors Spreadsheet September 2021 Update is now available.

This provides the third and final round of National Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors for 2020 diffusion tube monitoring data. We would like to thank all the local authorities who submitted co-location study results. Local authorities can continue to return co-location studies for diffusion tubes for inclusion (pending data quality checks) in the next update which is due in March 2022.

The summary of NO2 Diffusion Tube precision information has also been updated.

03 September 2021

Air Quality Grant 21/22 Scheme – update

Local authorities in England can now apply for the Air Quality Grant Scheme 2021 to 2022.  The grant will be competitive and will award at least £9 million to English local authorities.

Local Authorities should make applications via Bravo ( under view current opportunities. Applications must be received by midday 8 October 2021.

The fund this year is split into 2 Lots and in particular, we’re looking for applications for:

  • Lot 1 – projects designed to reduce air pollutant exceedances especially in those areas that are projected to remain in exceedance of the UK’s legal targets
  • Lot 2 – projects that will improve knowledge and information about air quality and steps individuals can take to reduce their exposure to air pollution and/or projects that include measures that deal with Particulate Matter

Contact us

Local Authorities who have a query about grant applications should send these via the messaging tool in Bravo.

If you have a general query about air quality, contact the Defra Helpline:

19 August 2021

Air Quality Grant 21/22 Scheme – update

(This information is now out of date, please see the Air Quality Grant update on 3rd September for the latest information.)

Defra’s Air Quality Grant scheme will launch in the first week of September.  The grant will be competitive and will award at least £9 million to English Local Authorities.  This year applicants will be able to submit a sole bid for up to £600k and a joint bid for up to £1m.

This year’s fund will be split between 2 lots:

Lot 1 will award funding to projects that improve local air quality and should be linked to Local Air Quality Action Plans (although consideration will also be given to unrelated innovative projects that align to national strategies/priorities).  English LAs are eligible to apply with the exception of:

LAs that are in the process of developing a local NO2 Plan following the receipt of a Ministerial Direction under the 2017 Plan for tackling roadside NO2

LAs that have completed a local NO2 Plan and have been directed to carry out further measures as a result of that local Plan.

Lot 2 is open to all English LAs and will award funding to:

  • Projects that improve public awareness in local communities about the risks of air pollution
  • Projects that deal with Particulate Matter

The majority of the finance available is capital so revenue funding will be limited to around 30-35% of the total application value.  Please bear this in mind whilst considering the type of project you may wish to apply for.  Further details will be published in the Invitation to Apply (ITA) document.  The ITA will be available when the scheme is officially launched in September and can be accessed after registering an interest in Defra’s e-application system, Bravo, which can be found at

18 August 2021

The LAQM website has been updated in line with feedback received from several user needs workshops.

Amongst the improvements made, we have looked to:

  • Make the website accessible and usable for all
  • More prominently highlight the areas and content that are most frequently accessed
  • Improve the navigation structure to provide a more user-friendly experience
  • Ensure the website is up to date with relevant Web Compliance Regulations