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FAQ 127 – Review and Assessment Appraisal Process

What are the steps and timescales involved in the appraisal process for LAQM/LLAQM Reports? How may a local authority track their reports through the appraisal process?

Upon uploading a report on the LAQM Portal, the local authority will receive confirmation stating that the report has been submitted and has been received by the Appraisal Team. If an appraisal response or contact from the Appraisal Team has not been received within the specified time scale (or indeed at any stage within the appraisal period), the local authority may contact Defra or the Devolved Administrations via the LAQM Helpdesk for a progress update.

The figure below outlines the steps and timescales involved in the Review and Assessment appraisal processes for local authorities using the LAQM Portal.

The steps below set out the process for Local Air Quality Management Appraisal for reports submitted via the LAQM Portal including. This includes Annual Status Reports, Progress Reports, AQAP Progress Reports, Detailed Assessments, Further Assessments, and associated correspondence.


  1. Report submitted via LAQM Portal (email confirmation sent immediately to LAQM Portal User).
  2. Report checked by Appraisal Team (within 48 hours of submission).
  3. Users are notified by email if reports are not ready to be appraised and resubmission may be required.
  4. Checked Reports Appraised (within 5 weeks).
  5. Appraisal Report returned to Defra/DA for approval.
  6. Defra/DA complete approval process within LAQM Portal. (Email issued to LAQM Portal User notifying that Appraisal Process is complete).
  7. LAQM Portal User logs in to LAQM Portal (Appraisal Report and Letter from Defra/DA summarising outcome of Appraisal can be downloaded).


Queries in relation to your appraisal report should be raised directly with the Appraisal Team at and/or Defra/DA. Local Authorities may track their reports via the LAQM Portal.


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