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FAQ 146 – Top Three Air Quality Actions

Guidance on Top Three Air Quality Actions for Local Authorities

To improve transparency of local air quality management information, we are requesting specific information from annual reports for presentation on UK-AIR that will illustrate more clearly for members of the public, what air quality is like in their area and what action their local authority is taking.

During the 2025 Annual Report submission process, you will be asked to provide three key air quality improvement measures that your local authority would like to raise awareness of amongst local communities. You should consider the expected impact on air quality and alignment with air quality action plans (AQAP) and strategies when deciding how to prioritise your top three actions.  These actions will then be reviewed by the relevant authority prior to publication on UK-AIR.

When providing this information, please ensure you include enough detail so that the specific action undertaken by your authority is discernible by a member of the public. Actions should be simple and specific.

For example, instead of ‘bus improvements’, your description should briefly explain what type of actions are being undertaken: ‘Targeted bus stop infrastructure upgrades on key public transport corridors’.

We ask that each action be described in no more than 20 words. Estimated completion dates should be aligned with your AQAP and annual report.

Please do not use acronyms, complex terminology or jargon within the description of the actions or when listing the organisations involved in delivery.

To help explain how to pitch this information, we have included some examples below:

  • Implementation of a new borough-wide Smoke Control Order.
  • [INSERT ROAD] junction improvements, including the addition of a dedicated left turn lane and the repositioning of pedestrian crossing points.
  • Improving the electric charging infrastructure across the city with an additional 50 charging bays by 2028.
  • School Travel Plans to be implemented across 25 primary schools.
  • Monitoring the effect of the permanent removal of on-street parking bays within the Air Quality Management Area.
  • Installation of 34 EV charging points in Council car parks.
  • Secure cycle parking facilities in Town Centres and at key transport hubs.
  • Anti-idling campaign around 5 primary schools.
  • Introduction of an E-bike hire scheme for residents.
  • Work with schools, vulnerable groups and hard to reach communities to raise awareness of air pollution and promote Active Travel.
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