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England (exc. London) Policy Guidance


This guidance relates to local authorities in England only, excluding those in London who will be provided guidance separately by the Mayor of London. This guidance is statutory and all relevant Local Authorities (both district and county level), the Environment Agency and all designated Relevant Public Authorities must have regard to it. The guidance applies to local authority led action to improve local air quality using available levers, including planning, public health and transport responsibilities. In two tier authorities, it is directly relevant to both district and county councils who both have obligations under Part IV of the Environment Act. The guidance is also relevant to Mayoral Combined Authorities, and to external organisations who may need to engage with the local authority to assist in the delivery of their statutory duties on managing air quality.

Current Version


England (not London) LAQM.PG22

Released: August 2022 (PDF, 1.04 MB, 79 pages)

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