The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Screening Model is a screening tool published by National Highways that can be used to predict pollutant concentrations at receptor locations near to roads. The tool is not held on the LAQM website.
National Highways has recently updated the DMRB Screening Model, however it is not currently on public release. LAQM are presently evaluating the latest version of the DMRB screening tool to determine whether it can be suitably used for assessing air quality for LAQM purposes. The application of suitable model verification and speed pivoting methodology is discussed in the latest National Highways’ guidance document, which the latest DMRB Screening Model is based upon. This guidance document can be found below under Current Version.
Whilst the previous Screening Model v1.03c has been withdrawn by National Highways, v1.03c can still provide for a useful way to screen road traffic emissions to decide whether more detailed dispersion modelling needs to be undertaken. Results should however be treated with caution, particularly where predicted concentrations are close to the relevant Air Quality Objectives. The guidance document associated with v1.03c can be found below under Previous Versions.
The LAQM Helpdesk can be contacted for further advice.
Current Version
LA 105 Guidance Document (Version 0.1.0)
Released: June 2024
Hosted on www.standardsforhighways.co.uk
Previous Version
DMRB Guidance for Screening Model v1.03c
Released: April 2009 (PDF, 59 KB, 3 pages)