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In cities and urban areas where there is a large taxi fleet, controlling their emissions may be a measure for inclusion in your air quality action plan. In London, for example, where Transport for London (TfL) license taxis, licensing requirements have been introduced to reduce emissions from the taxi fleet by phasing out diesel taxis and increasing the number of Zero Emission Capable (ZEC) vehicles in London. They also implement a maximum 15 year age limit on vehicles in the fleet. Mayor of London – The Mayor’s Transport Strategy provides more information, as well as TfL’s emission standards for taxis.

A best practice guide for reducing emissions from taxis in London has been published which provides recommendations for vehicle fuels, maintenance and operation, driver training as well as the purchase of new vehicles and retrofitting of older ones. The Mayor of London’s guidelines for greener vehicles and cleaner air may also be of use.


A best practice guide for reducing emissions from taxis in London

Released: April 2008 (PDF, 860 KB, 44 pages)

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