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LAQM Practice Guidance


Defra has produced Practice Guidance on some of the more directly effective and ambitious measures that local authorities can take to improve air quality. Local authorities may find the Practice Guidance useful if they are considering establishing one of the schemes covered by the guidance. The guidance also refers to existing policy on economic and appraisal.


Practice Guidance on economic principles for the assessment of local measures to improve air quality 

Released: February 2009 (PDF, 430 KB, 61 pages)

Practice Guidance on low emission zones 

Released: February 2009 (PDF, 412 KB, 64 pages)

Practice Guidance on measures to encourage the uptake of low emission vehicles 

Released: February 2009 (PDF, 440 KB, 77 pages)

Practice Guidance on measures to encourage the uptake of retro-fitted abatement equipment on vehicles

Released: February 2009 (PDF, 450 KB, 70 pages)

Practice Guidance Worked Examples

Released: February 2009 (PDF, 70 KB, 20 pages)

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