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FAQ 110 – Addressing Continued Exceedances

What should I do if the targets set for 2010 continue to exceed the air quality objective/EU limit value?

Where air quality targets show a continued exceedance of the objectives/EU limit values at the end of the lifetime of the Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP), authorities should develop an updated AQAP that seeks to:

  • Identify additional measures (including those not directly aimed at air quality, e.g. tackling congestion) that could have been taken to achieve the objective/limit value.
  • Following identification of the additional measures, and depending upon time and resources, quantify the impact of the identified measures, e.g. model the reduction in traffic or improvements in traffic management required to meet the objective/limit value or provide some evidence from available feasibility studies and/or impact assessment studies. Those studies most likely to be applicable are those associated with traffic management proposals and infrastructure development.
  • Provide a clear and detailed statement of the reasons as to why the proposed additional measures have not been implemented and evidence to support those reasons, i.e. wider impacts of measures mean that the implementation is not feasible due to costs; local opposition, etc.
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