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Emission Factors for Small Combustion Appliances


The table provided in the document below provides emission factors for small combustion appliances, for NOx, PM10 and PM2.5, in units of g/GJ, as taken from the EMEP/EEA Air Pollution Emission Inventory Guidebook 2019. Emissions are also provided both per household and per hectare of service sector floor space, in units of kg/year, as derived from the g/GJ emission factors.

The emission factors can be used as the basis for determining emission rates for small combustion appliances (in units of g/s), required as part of the screening of individual biomass installations – see para 7.53 of Technical Guidance LAQM.TG(22) for more information.

The emissions per household/hectare of service sector floor space can also be used to determine the total emissions density per 500m x 500m, required as part of the screening of combined biomass installations – see para 7.59 of Technical Guidance LAQM.TG(22) for more information.

Current Version


Emissions Factors for Small Combustion Appliances

Released: November 2021 (XLSX, 16KB)


The conversion from g/GJ to kg/year takes account of the efficiency of fuel, the net/gross efficiency and typical heat demand of households and typical heat demand per hectare as set out in the table.

This table is expected to be updated from time to time and therefore is not provided within LAQM.TG(22) to enable these amends to take place.

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