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LAQM Portal

The LAQM Portal has been developed to incorporate the previous Report Submission Website (RSW) and the Diffusion Tube Data Entry System (DTDES). It provides local authorities with a single access point to submit all relevant information regarding LAQM.

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LAQM Portal User Guide

The LAQM Portal provides the ability to:

  • Submit LAQM Reports – Local authorities are required to use the LAQM Portal for submission of their Annual Status Reports (ASRs), Annual Progress Reports (APRs), Progress Reports (PRs), Updating and Screening Assessments (USAs), Detailed Modelling Studies, Detailed Assessments, Further Assessments and Air Quality Action Plans (AQAPs).
  • Submit NO2 Diffusion Tube Monitoring data (local authorities in England only, excluding London boroughs) – There is a new mandatory requirement to submit NO2 diffusion tube data to the LAQM Portal via the new Diffusion Tube Data Entry System (DTDES) upload facility. This submission should be completed once all monitoring data for the reporting year has been processed.
  • Administration of Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) -Management of AQMAs, including new declarations, amendments and/or revocations to existing AQMAs and the upload of AQMA shapefiles, should be made via the AQMAs section of the LAQM Portal.
  • Maintenance of local authority contact details – To ensure Defra and the Devolved Administrations have up-to-date contact details for local authority officers responsible for Air Quality.

Existing users of the RSW and DTDES system should have received guidance from the LAQM Helpdesk on how to access and use the LAQM Portal, including details of the process for uploading NO2 diffusion tube data via the new DTDES upload facility.

If you have not received this email please contact the LAQM Portal Admin Team so that we can verify your user details.

The existing email addresses registered on the RSW have not been changed. Please use the Forgotten Password link to generate a new password for access to the site. If you are having any trouble accessing the LAQM Portal then please contact the LAQM Portal Admin Team who will be able to assist you.