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Air Quality Hub

What is the Air Quality Hub?

The Air Quality Hub is a free, online information and knowledge sharing resource for local authority air quality professionals, seeking to deliver air quality benefits to Local Authorities throughout the country. The Hub is funded by Defra via an air quality grant and was developed by the City of York, Lancaster City Council and Mid Devon District Council, acting in collaboration as the Low Emission Partnership (LEP). The content of the Hub is produced by air quality professionals, for air quality professionals and consists of a comprehensive library of air quality publications from a number of organisations alongside details of events and relevant news.

Please watch the video below to find out what the Air Quality Hub can offer and the resources it provides.

Features available on the Hub

Discussion Forum

Use the online forum to share issues and learning with other air quality professionals within a safe space. This provides an opportunity for air quality practitioners to interact directly with each other for the purpose of sharing knowledge and experiences and enter into air quality related debates. Participants can ask questions and provide advice based on their personal experiences.

Strategy Measures

Explore air quality improvement measures and record your own progress. These provide an overview of the main types of measures that local authorities can adopt to improve air quality in their area, and the pollutants that they are most applicable to. Each strategy measure provides an overview of the steps needed to implement it, the likely air quality benefits and sign posting to relevant documents, guidance and case studies.

Advice Notes

Learn more about Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) and the practical application of tools and legislation. These are intended to provide instruction on how to undertake specific technical and regulatory functions associated with LAQM and to give a comprehensive introduction to the practical aspects of the LAQM practitioner role, particularly for those that are new to the profession.

Case Studies

Case Studies provide a comprehensive overview of an action taken by another Local Authority to improve air quality. These detail how the project was funded, steps for delivery, learning outcomes and key successes.


Keep up to date with recent articles, publication of new tools, and information about Defra’s Air Quality Grant. Tutorials and assistance with use of LAQM Tools are also published on the Hub.